Young Carers
Sandown School Young Carers' Group
At Sandown we recognise that sometimes a child who has caring responsibilities at home might need a little extra support to help them get the most out of school and so we have set up our Young Carers Support Group.
The whole school is committed to ensuring that all our children, including Young Carers, can access and engage with their education, with the right support where necessary, to achieve their potential.
We have a designated Young Carers' leaders in school: Mrs Collins (Green Zone Leader), Mrs Goggin (DHT), Mrs Massey (TA). We also have a school Governor, Mr Anderson, who is taking a special interest in and responsibility for our Young Carers' Support Group. They will ensure that families and pupils are aware of the group. They can be contacted via the School Office by phone or in person. Pupils can speak to Mrs collins or Mrs Goggin at any time during the school day or they can leave a confidential message in the box located in the library area.
We have excellent links with external agencies and can make referrals to get support for Young Carers and their families, if they would like us to. We would only share information with professionals and agencies on a need to know basis in order to get the right support. The school actively seeks feedback and ideas from young carers and their families to shape and improve support so we would be pleased to hear your views.
The school uses Pupil Premium funding to minimise any barriers to education and learning experience by eligible Young Carers.
What is a Young Carer?
At Sandown a Young Carer is “a child in Year 1 and above who provides care to another family member who has a physical illness or disability, mental health problem, sensory disability, severe learning disability or who has a substance misuse problem”. We include in this children living with siblings who have any of these difficulties.
What do we do?
We meet monthly for a proper catch up, we share our successes and any exciting news we may have and plan in exciting activities for future meetings or days out.
We run a weekly home learning space/check in at lunch time if any of the children wanted to come along.
Termly we have an extra special time out of school.
Activities include: Mini golf, cinema trips, parent/carer craft sessions, bowling, Easter egg hunts, Visit to Leeds castle.