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Sandown School

School Meals                         Menu 

Universal Free School Meals

Following the Government announcement all pupils at Sandown School in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal every day. There are no forms to fill out and you do not need to let the School Office know. Your child can let their class teacher know that they are 'school dinners' during the morning register. Your child is entitled to a free school meal throughout the year or they can change between packed lunches and school dinners whenever they choose.

To find out more about the meals on offer at Sandown please see the menu in the School Office or look out for the termly letter from Whole School Meals.

Our cooked meals are delicious, healthy cooked meals provided by Whole School Meals and are prepared in our own kitchen.  The infants and juniors, school lunch and packed lunch children all eat together.  Courtesy and good table manners are encouraged and expected!

Children have an element of choice each day regarding both their meal and the size of portion they receive.  There is usually a choice of main meal (a meat and non-meat dish or Jacket potato) plus a salad option and also a choice of dessert. Water is always provided at the table.  Click here for the latest menu. Children can select their meal each day during registration.

The children are encouraged not to waste food, but they are not forced to eat something they clearly do not like.  We do have a number of children with special dietary needs and the Kitchen always tries to  accommodate dietary requests, including the provision of vegetarian and vegan meals.  These requests should be made to the caterer, Whole School Meals.

Meals can be paid for in cash, by cheque or online via Parent Pay. Click here for Parent Pay  

They are currently £2.50 per day and £12.50 per week (from September 1st 2024) and need to be paid for in blocks.

Visit www.wholeschoolmeals.co.uk for further information.


Free School Meals

The latest info leaflet regarding Free School Meals

If you receive Income Support, Income-based Job Seekers Allowance or Child Tax Credits, your child will be entitled to free school meals.  Applications should be made online to KCC: www.kent.gov.uk/educationandchildren/schools/free-school-meals.  The School and yourselves are notified when the application is approved etc. 

Packed Lunches

Children may bring in a packed lunch from home. We have a healthy eating policy and take part in the Healthy School Initiative, so sweets and chocolate bars are not allowed in school. We do allow crisps, biscuits and similar snacks but they must be part of a balanced meal.

*Please note we do have a number of pupils who suffer with severe nut allergies, therefore, we ask that you do not give your child any products containing traces of nuts at all, at any time on the school site and Green Zone area*
